1. Apply to Join ICXR!

First, your club must apply for member club status. You can check whether your club is already a member club by visiting the “Member Clubs” section on our homepage. If you are not a member club yet, don’t worry! The application process is just one quick and easy form, but we do have one requirement: your club must be a dedicated XR student organization. This is to ensure that our member clubs remain focused on XR technology as your members and leadership come and go. Let’s look at a couple of examples:

Example University VR Club

Looks good! We can tell right away that this club is an XR-related club. They will most likely be accepted!

Contact Information

How can we best reach out to you and your club? Discord usernames and emails are preferred!

Links & Socials

We want to see all the cool stuff your club have to show off! If you have a club website and social media profiles, send them our way.

Tech Club at Example University

Unclear. It’s not immediately obvious whether this club has any XR activities, and even if it does, we can’t be sure that it will stay that way forever!

We want to make sure we onboard as many clubs as possible. If you are unsure whether your club fits this requirement, please don’t hesitate to reach out so that we can better understand your situation!

When you are ready to apply, make sure to provide us with the following information:

Your Club Logo

Once you’re accepted, we’ll put your club on this website! Make sure that this is your clubs logo and NOT your university’s logo.

2. Let’s Stay in Touch!

Congratulations! If you made it to this step, that means your member club has been accepted to ICXR. Now you need to select your two member club representatives. These are individuals who serve as points of contact for your club. Typically, member club representatives the President, Vice President, Treasurer, or similar executive role for their club. These representatives will gain access to a Discord channel with the ICXR executive board to facilitate communication between member clubs as well as receive important updates from our executive team.

Furthermore, we will collect additional information about your club, such as your planned activities for the upcoming semester and your latest information. You can do so by filling out the form below!

3. Join the Discord!

4. Get Involved!