February 2024
Welcome to the new year, and our February 2024 Intercollegiate XR blog post! Our last post was in October 2023, so we have a lot to catch you up on!
We have a recap of our biggest in-person meetup yet at MIT Reality Hack. Plus, we’re welcoming three new member clubs to the ICXR network!
MIT Reality Hack Recap
One of ICXR’s central goals is to facilitate connections between students with a passion for XR, and we just had the biggest gathering of ICXR members to date! Check out some photos of ICXR members working on their projects and keep an eye on our Instagram (@icxreality) for features of projects made by ICXR members! In total, about 40 ICXR members met up at Reality Hack!
We also hosted several events specifically for ICXR members, including hangouts during hack days and an ICXR dinner!
New Member Clubs
We’re excited to announce that three new clubs have joined ICXR: McGillXR from McGill University, Immerse from Virginia Tech, and the VR Club from North Dakota State University! Any college student can join ICXR, but having your school’s XR organization join as a member club unlocks additional networking opportunities and access to ICXR resources. We now have more than 25 member clubs!
Want your college’s AR/VR/XR club to be a part of ICXR? Check out the Join page on our site to learn more about how you can get involved: https://www.icxr.org/join
Snapdragon Spaces Exploration Program
ICXR is partnering with Qualcomm to connect ICXR members with an opportunity to work with the Snapdragon Spaces Development Kit and make innovative AR projects! Qualcomm will select three ICXR members to loan a dev kit (including a ThinkReality A3 headset) for three months and create a project using that tech. Check out more details and apply here.
Upcoming XR Events
New ICXR Leadership
ICXR has new Co-Presidents! The term of an ICXR President is one year, starting mid-way through the academic year. A huge thanks to our outgoing Co-Presidents Parth Arora (Georgia Tech) and Lucas De Bonet (MIT), and a warm welcome to our incoming Co-Presidents Ashley Neall (UNC Chapel Hill) and D.J. Figueroa (UMD). We’re looking forward to a great year!